CascadiaPHP 2024


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ReflectionProperty::setValueSet property value


public ReflectionProperty::setValue(object $object, mixed $value): void
public ReflectionProperty::setValue(mixed $value): void

Sets (changes) the property's value.

Nota: As of PHP 8.3.0, calling this method with a single argument is deprecated, use ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue() instead.

Elenco dei parametri


If the property is non-static an object must be provided to change the property on. If the property is static a value of null must be to be provided.


The new value.

Valori restituiti

Nessun valore viene restituito.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.3.0 Calling this method with a single argument is deprecated, ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue() should be used instead to modify static properties.
8.1.0 Private and protected properties can be accessed by ReflectionProperty::setValue() right away. Previously, they needed to be made accessible by calling ReflectionProperty::setAccessible(); otherwise a ReflectionException was thrown.


Example #1 ReflectionProperty::setValue() example

class Foo {
public static


$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass('Foo');

// As of PHP 8.3, setValue should no longer be used to set static property value, use setStaticPropertyValue() instead
$reflectionClass->setStaticPropertyValue('staticProperty', 'foo');

$foo = new Foo;

$reflectionClass->getProperty('property')->setValue($foo, 'bar');

$reflectionProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('privateProperty');
$reflectionProperty->setAccessible(true); // only required prior to PHP 8.1.0
$reflectionProperty->setValue($foo, 'foobar');

Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:

string(3) "foo"
string(3) "bar"
string(6) "foobar"

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

me at ircmaxell dot om
13 years ago
You can use ReflectionProperty::setValue to set the value on static properties as well as regular instance properties. Simply pass null in place of the instance:

class Foo {
protected static
$bar = null;
public static function
sayBar() {

$r = new ReflectionProperty('Foo', 'bar');
$r->setValue(null, 'foo');

Foo::sayBar(); // "foo"
p stewart imperial ac uk
1 year ago
setValue can be used for readonly properties, but only if the property has not yet been initialised:


class Person
private readonly
int $age;
public function
__construct(array $props = []) {
if (isset(
$props['age'])) {
$this->age = (int)$props['age'];

$personWithKnownAge = new Person(['age' => 50]);

$reflection = new ReflectionProperty($personWithKnownAge, 'age');
$reflection->setValue($personWithKnownAge, 10); // Fails - Age is already initialised, value cannot be changed.

$personWithUnknownAge = new Person();

$reflection = new ReflectionProperty($personWithUnknownAge, 'age');
$reflection->setValue($personWithUnknownAge, 10); // Succeeeds - Age is not yet initialised, value can be set.

This can be useful for situations where it is desirable to initialise properties from outside of the defining class, for example an ORM setup where the parent class is responsible for setting properties on a model subclass instance.
1 year ago
Keep in mind that setValue won't work for readonly properties.


class Person
public function
__construct(private readonly int $age) {}

$someOldPerson = new Person(80);

$reflection = new ReflectionProperty($someOldPerson, 'age');
$reflection->setValue($someOldPerson, 10); // Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot modify readonly property Person::$age
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