CascadiaPHP 2024


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

xml_set_external_entity_ref_handlerSet up external entity reference handler


xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(XMLParser $parser, callable $handler): true

Sets the external entity reference handler function for the XML parser parser.



O analisador XML.


Se null ou uma string vazia for passada, o manipulador será redefinido para seu estado padrão.

Se handler for um callable, o callable será definido como o manipulador.

Se handler for uma string, ela pode ser o nome de um método de um objet definido com xml_set_object().

The signature of the handler must be:

    XMLParser $parser,
    string $open_entity_names,
    string|false $base,
    string $system_id,
    string|false $public_id
): bool
O analisador XML que chama o manipulador.
A space-separated list of the names of the entities that are open for the parse of this entity (including the name of the referenced entity).
This is the base for resolving the system identifier (system_id) of the external entity.
The system identifier as specified in the entity declaration.
The public identifier as specified in the entity declaration, or an empty string if none was specified; the whitespace in the public identifier will have been normalized as required by the XML spec.

The handler should return true if the entity was handled, false otherwise. When returning false the XML parser will stop parsing and xml_get_error_code() will return XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING.

Valor Retornado

Sempre retorna true.

Registro de Alterações

Versão Descrição
8.0.0 O parâmetro parser agora espera uma instância de XMLParser; anteriormente, um resource xml válido era esperado.
7.3.0 The return value of the handler is no longer ignored if the extension has been built against libxml. Formerly, the return value has been ignored, and parsing did never stop.
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