CascadiaPHP 2024


Esta extensão » PECL não é distribuída com o PHP.

Informações para instalar esta extensão PECL podem ser encontradas no capítulo Instalação de Extensões PECL do manual. Informações adicionais, como novas versões, downloads, arquivos fontes, informações do mantenedor e um CHANGELOG, podem ser encontradas aqui: »

Nota: The official name of this extension is mqseries.

There are two ways to connect to a queue manager. These depend on the way the extension is compiled and linked.

  • First one and also the default one is using the mqic libraries. Compiling and linking the extension against these IBM WebSphere MQSeries libraries allows the extension to connect to the Queue manager using the client interface. Remote connections are possible this way.

  • The other way is to compile and link against the mqm libraries. Using these libraries it is possible to make use of the transaction management of a queue manager.

Currently selecting the libraries to use is done by changing the config.m4 file.

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